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Software Engineer.

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Hi! I am Raúl Piracés:
🔭 I'm a Software Engineer 👨‍💻🎧 & Full Stack developer from Zaragoza (Spain) who is passionate about Web Development, Cloud computing architecture, and open source.
I ❤️ contributing to OSS projects and creating my own open source projects.
I'm currently mantaining several open source projects such as:

tldr-extension-browser: A browser extension for the awesome tldr project.
Chocolatey packages: I mantain some Chocolatey packages automatically, including: Azure bicep, duf, Ticker, Bisq, grex.
azure-devops-bicep-task: A series of tasks for Azure DevOps which provides bicep actions to run in pipelines.

I frequently contribute to:

tldr: with new pages, edits and translations.
winget-pkgs: with some missing software and updates to existing manifests.

Sponsoring helps me to motivate to continue this work and mantain all the projects. Thank you! 😄