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I occasionally write stuff for fun instead of work.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello, my name is Jacob Pfeifer. I'm a developer from the state of Ohio in the United States. Most of my projects are targeted towards myself, however people have found a few of them useful themselves.
My most popular project is my work surrounding adding unofficial features to openpilot. Here are some of the most popular features I maintain:

Always on Lateral implementation for most openpilot supported cars
Vision based speed control for curves
Mapd - Uses data from openstreetmap to provide data for speed limits, road names, and upcoming curves.

My next most popular project is my treesitter implementation for hurl. It consists of the following:

treesitter parser
neovim plugin
vscode plugin

I have next to no costs for maintaining these projects so while donations aren't needed they are appreciated and help motivate me to continue maintaining my projects.

Featured Works


A collection of patch sets of common unsupported/unofficial community features for openpilot.

Language: Shell - Stars: 27

Language: Go - Stars: 1

tree-sitter parser for the hurl file format

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 20
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