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I build robotics and automate experiments for the scientists studying animal brains at Janelia Research Campus.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I build robotics and automate experiments for scientists studying animal brains and behavior.
I open source all software and hardware that I create, including Arduino and other embedded libraries and printed circuit boards for interfacing with common sensors and actuators.
Sponsorship allows me to put time into design and support and ship open source hardware to sponsers.

Featured Works


Provides an SPI based interface to the AD5724R, AD5734R, and the AD5754R Quad 12-/14-/16-Bit Unipolar/Bipolar Voltage Output DACs.

Language: C++ - Stars: 10

Streaming C++-style Output with Operator <<

Language: C++ - Stars: 60

The Trinamic TMC429 is a triple-axis dedicated step and direction motion controller for both position and velocity control with acceleration and deceleration trapezoidal ramps.

Language: C++ - Stars: 39

Proximity capacitive touch sensor controller Arduino library.

Language: C++ - Stars: 20

The TMC2209 is an ultra-silent motor driver IC for two phase stepper motors with both UART serial and step and direction interfaces.

Language: C++ - Stars: 212

Measures fly wingbeats using IR light reflected from flapping fly wings.

Language: Emacs Lisp - Stars: 2