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I don't code :) but contribute in many other ways...

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

WordPress powers 43% of the web and needs contributors! We are open source! We have to set example and have thriving contributors who do not give up for financial reasons. The whole project also needs people besides developers, for a lot of other tasks!
EDIT 8 August, 10 September, 23 October: Thank you Themeisle for sponsoring 20 hours/month (1/4 of my contribution time) (outside of GitHub) and Jens de Beule for sponsoring 2 hours/month. Also many thanks to Polylang and Hari Shanker as one-time sponsors to cover WCEU costs as an organiser.
My contributions
I dedicate a large amount of hours to WordPress (rise to about 50% of my time since August 2023), contributing in a lot of different ways:

Event organizer: Flagship WordCamp Europe, local and regional WordCamp events, local monthly Meetups.
Event supporter (aka “mentor”): to support other organizers to create successful events.
Contributor Mentorship Program and Contributor Onboarding: I take part in cohorts and planning. They are essential programs to gain new contributors for the WordPress project.
GatherPress: to be integrated in the WordPress Community (move our meetings management from proprietary to open source).
BuddyPress – bbPress: organization of Contributor Day focused on those WordPress’ sister projects (TBA for Autumn 2024)
More generally on the Community Team: meetings, ideas, proposals, Meetup groups reactivation program, etc.

Win-win for sponsors

Recurring sponsoring > 20 hours/month = CHF 1000/month (to be converted to USD if paid via GitHub): you will be listed on my Sponsor page and on the Five for the Future program, and I mention you when I introduce myself as "sponsored by" on WordPress related meetings (maximum 4 sponsors).
Recurring sponsoring < 20 hours/month: you will be listed on my Sponsor page and on the Five for the Future program.
One time: you will be listed on my Sponsor page for supporting me.
All: blog post about you and shoutout on Social media.

Shared values
As in all of my contribution and professional projects, I want to help bring content to people in their language and culture, therefore I find DEIB and Sustainability essential for thriving contributors from all horizons and walks of life, especially underrepresented and people who face difficulties contributing. We need all the different perspectives and not be a project run by privileged people only.
Furthermore, it is important for me to share values with my sponsors and I prefer to be sponsored by companies I trust and whose values or vision I share. The best is to contact me first.
As in all of my contribution and professional projects, I want to help bring content to people in their language and culture, thus I find DEIB and Sustainability to be essential for thriving contributors from all horizons and walk of life, especially underrepresented and people who face difficulties contributing. We need all the different perspectives.
Contribution Time
The roughly 20 hours of contribution per week (about 80 per month) represent time I do not work on my professional projects. Bringing value by contributing to WordPress needs to be economically sustainable for me. And I bring value to WordPress! I know sponsors prefer developers but we all agree that other contributions are essential too, right?
I list an hour to be CHF 50 (but this can be discussed and aligned to what other sponsored contributors usually get), It's way less than my professional hourly rate but this is my way of giving back to WordPress as well.
I'll list all my contributions with time spent in my Contribution Board starting August 2024. (note 1 August 2024: I started logging and will backlog everything I did that I can remember from the past)
One time
EDIT: accommodation expenses for WCEU2024 (2 venue visits+event) This has now been covered by a one-time sponsorship by Polylang: thank you!!
EDIT: accommodation expenses for WCEU2025 (3 venue visits) have been partially covered by a one-time sponsorship by Hari Shanker, thank you
I paid around $1850 (EUR 1700) to be a co-organizer of WordCamp Europe 2024, as we had 2 pre-event venue visits and none of our travel and accommodation costs are covered. Read more on my Sponsor page and why I chose not to ask for sponsorship before the event.
My profile on
Sponsor profile on GitHub created on 27 July 2024, edited on 8 August, 10 September and 23 October 2024

Active Sponsors
Past Sponsors
Sponsor Breakdown