An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
Funding Links:
If you like this project and enjoy using it, please consider a sponsorship. A lot of the time is spent in reverse engineering of RC models protocols and provide support to the RC community.
The sponsorship is important to:
Fund the purchase of receivers/models so their protocols can be added to the multi protocol module 🎮 ✈️ 🚁 🚗 🚤 ⛵
Fund the purchase of test hardware to develop and add more features.
Provide a good level of support GitHub and forums 👍
Keep motivation through appreciations and donnations 😀
The Multiprotocol firmware is provided for free under the GNU General Public License v3.0. The developers do not receive any payment from any of the manufacturers of Mulitprotocol Modules which use this firmware.