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I work on compilers, type checkers, and related tooling and libraries.
Some of my projects are:

Sixten, a dependently typed functional language with support for unboxed data.
Sixty, a new high-performance compiler frontend for Sixten, including type checker and language server.
Rock, a build system library that can be used to construct query-based and incremental compilers and tools.

Featured Works


Functional programming with fewer indirections

Language: Haskell - Stars: 761

Dependent type checker using normalisation by evaluation

Language: Haskell - Stars: 257

Parsing all context-free grammars using Earley's algorithm in Haskell.

Language: Haskell - Stars: 370

Build system

Language: Haskell - Stars: 123

Haskell implementation of Dunfield and Krishnaswami's "Complete and easy bidirectional typechecking for higher-rank polymorphism"

Language: Haskell - Stars: 131