An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Navigating the tech realm of Japan as a freelance IT adventurer.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

○ Introduction
I'm an IT engineer passionate about the development of open-source software.
I will be providing a variety of small libraries and tools.
I hope these tools can be of great help to you all.
○ About GitHub Sponsors
The open-source software that I develop is available for anyone to use for free. However, developing and maintaining it requires a significant amount of time and effort.
Thus, by registering with GitHub Sponsors, I'm hoping to get some support for my development activities.
○ Impact of Your Support
With your support, I can devote more time to development, enabling me to add new features and fix bugs more quickly.
Furthermore, it allows me to provide higher quality documentation and strengthen support for the user community.
○ In Closing
If my open-source software is useful to you and you'd like to support its development in the future, please consider supporting me through GitHub Sponsors.
Your support will greatly help me continue my development activities and keep this project going.
Thank you for your consideration.