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Site Reliability Engineer @Microsoft Azure

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/NikkelM

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Nikkel! If you're here it means you're hopefully enjoying one of my projects, such as the "Random YouTube Video" browser extension, the "Todo PR Checker" GitHub app or "Mail Notes" Outlook Add-In.
I've also released a number of different tools and integrations for Notion and the interaction with various game store APIs, which you can find linked below and on my profile.

Featured Works


A browser extension that allows you to truly randomly shuffle videos from any YouTube channel, offering many customization options.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 19

Get all games currently available for Xbox Game Pass on any platform, with their features and properties formatted just the way you need.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 27

A GitHub app that continuously checks Pull Request changes for TODO style action items and reports on them in a comment with embedded code snippets.

Language: Ruby - Stars: 1

Notion integration to automatically update database entries containing a Steam App ID with latest data from the Steam API.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 11

Directly import JSON formatted data to your Notion databases.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 6

Easily add notes to e-mails, conversations and senders in Outlook. Add the Add-In to your client using the following manifest URL: https://nikkelm.dev/Outlook-Mail-Notes/manifest.xml

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 5
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