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Engineer / Tinkerer / Builder.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Thomas is an independent contractor with a focus on open-source projects. In his professional career he has been involved on different levels of the Java stack, ranging from bytecode engineering, over general purpose library development to GUI-heavy simulator applications.
He has contributed the most to these open-source projects:

ProGuard - worked professionally as product lead for ProGuard / DexGuard for several years
Apache Commons - mostly components math, collections, logging, email, codec, served as PMC member
Orekit - Orbit Exploration Toolkit - served also as PMC member
Hipparchus - PMC member
Own projects

Furthermore he is an emeritus member of the Apache Software Foundation.

Featured Works


A library to represent quantities and perform conversions between units of measurements with double or arbitray precision.

Language: Java - Stars: 10

My portfolio website

Language: HTML - Stars: 1

A sudoku solver / trainer.

Language: Kotlin - Stars: 2