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Developer and student working on KDE, logic and teaching software

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I am a master's student developing open source software in my free time. I

contribute to KDE Plasma
write KDE extensions
develop scripts for automation of routine processes, especially in academic education
work on a computational implementation of the tableau calculus for modal logics
and enjoy teaching logic and programming.

Languages: Python (fluent), C++, bash, JavaScript (working proficiency), Java (native language), Prolog (good in reading, intermediate in writing)
More about me can be found on my personal website.

Featured Works


Easy to use, but flexible, Wayland Compositor

Language: C++ - Stars: 554

Various components needed to run a Plasma-based environment

Language: C++ - Stars: 229

KWin script to add space around windows touching a screen edge or other window

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 109

KWin scripts controlling window placement on multi-monitor setups

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 67

Analytic tableau based minimal model generator, model checker and theorem prover for first-order logic with modal extensions

Language: Python - Stars: 20

Interactive assistant for unit test based semi-automated grading of Python programming assignments

Language: Python - Stars: