An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.
Hi 👋, my name is Rahul Mula. I'm an author and instructor. I've developed Keyviz - the free and open-source tool to visualize your ⌨️ keystrokes in real-time.
Funding Links:
Hi 👋, my name is Rahul Mula.
I've developed Keyviz - the free and open-source tool to visualize your ⌨️ keystrokes in real-time. I've also authored books and courses on 🐍 python programming. I'm a developer based in India. I'm good enough in Python, Web Development, and Flutter. I am also interested in writing, video production, animation, and UI/UX design.
Let your audience know what handy shortcuts/keys you're pressing during screencasts, presentations, collaborations, or whenever you need it.
I'm working on the above project/s because it's my passion and I want to provide value to the open-source community. If it provides value to you, then that's all that matters ✨. If you want to donate/sponsor, then you're most welcome 💖!
It doesn't matter how much you donate, it's your initiative that brings a smile to my face 😁. Either you donate, sponsor, or just drop in to say thanks - it reminds me of the fact that it's not my fun project anymore, it's our project!
Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time.
Language: Dart - Stars: 6832