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E Pluribus Unum

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Mudlabs. I live in country Victoria, Australia.
When I'm not coding I'll be on the tools scratching out a living as a general labourer. Or tending to our cows and goats, deadlifting, drinking whiskey, and I hope soon forging.
I've got an ongoing project called NativeScript-Play-Pit, which you're more than welcome to contribute to. Right now I'm working on a Github Action for the API. And just released my first GitHub Action, NPM Worker.
I'm a simple man, I see something I need, or want, and I build it. So if you can use it too, all the better. And if you choose to sponsor me, well that would be sick 🤘
It would also help pay the bills so I can keep doing this coding thing ⌨️

Featured Works


A growing collection of NativeScript playground projects demonstrating all the AWESOMENESS🤘 of NativeScript.

Language: - Stars: 4

Manage node packages on your Github Action repository.

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

A super simple diff checker for your GitHub workflow.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 5

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 2

A simple package providing helper functions for matching numbers with their _short scale unit_

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 2

Adobe XD plugin for streamlined mass exports

Language: JavaScript - Stars: