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GSoC'21 @oppia

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

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Here are some ideas of what you can tell your potential sponsors:

[x] Who are you, and where are you from? - Mridul -- Faridabad, Haryana
[x] What are you working on? - Working on my competitive programming skills and experiencing new web technologies
[x] Why is their sponsorship important? How will you use the funds? - For my personal motivation and support so I can excel more in my life

Hint: You can include images and emojis in your bio!

Featured Works


A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all.

Language: Python - Stars:

ML model developed in streamlit to predict crypot prices

Language: Python - Stars:

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars:

Language: JavaScript - Stars:

An image classification tool for predicting the type of pokemon provided to it

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars:

The modern web developer’s platform

Language: TypeScript - Stars: