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Hey! Here you can find some of my work with Arduino, Web Design and Videogame Design

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi there, I'm Mónica P. Arroyo! 👋
I studied computer engineer. Love teaching technology. Astronomy lover.

Right now I work as a Web Developer at
Sometimes I create projects using Laravel or Next.js, love working with Arduino and develop videogames with Unity or Gdevelop

If you have any doubt about one of my projects you can contact me! I will do my best to help you! Teaching is one of my passions
if you find one of my projects useful you can sponsor me! That would inspire me to dedicate more time to create more things for the community!

Featured Works


Librería de Arduino para crear con facilidad una "calaverita" que detecte distancia, mueva la quijada, genere sonidos y emita luz de colores.

Language: C++ - Stars: 1

Next.js website deployed on Vercel showcasing a catalog of Steven Universe characters. Each character has its own static page.

Language: TypeScript - Stars:

Esta es una calculadora hecha en ensamblador para el procesador 8080. Fue un proyecto escolar para la asignatura de Lenguaje Ensamblador en ESIME Culhuacán impartida por el profesor Luis Valles.

Language: Assembly - Stars:

Este es un proyecto realizado con la finalidad de conectar un dispositivo SARMEX a una red local para activar una alerta sísmica en diferentes puntos de un edificio.

Language: C++ - Stars: