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Full Stack Developer with a passion for building and contributing to open-source. Developed and maintained open-source projects used by AWS, Microsoft, Node.js

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, my name is Misha,
I'm an Israeli programmer. Programming is my profession and hobby also. I like to code for fun and love open-source projects. All I learned was thanks to the open-source projects in various communities.
I like the idea that my projects are open source too: I hope they can be useful for others to learn. And a chance for me to improve my developing skills.
Why donate to me?
Well, because you like my projects, because I like to donate to other projects. So let's do this world a little bit better. It's not about the amount (even 0.1$, it's about the gesture, honestly, I will appreciate every gesture from you)
Thank you for your support! 🙌