Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/mirage335
- Name: mirage335
- Location: Washington DC Area, Have ubdist/OS will Travel
- Company: HacDC, Makersmiths, Imagnus, Creative3DTechnologies, Others
- Kind: user
- Followers: 38
- Following: 2
- Total stars: 188
- Repositories count: 150
- Created at: 2022-11-03T13:36:39.759Z
- Updated at: 2025-03-09T14:32:52.554Z
- Last synced at: 2025-03-09T14:32:52.554Z
GitHub Sponsors Profile
IRC WebChat: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.libera.chat/##mirage335
Discord: https://discord.gg/Tm9Am8Yt
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mirage335
Sponsor GitHub: https://github.com/sponsors/mirage335
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hYbYGjhQdoF18U5VRUH9g
Github: https://github.com/mirage335
Email: spamfreemirage335 ' a T' gmail 'dot ' com
Phone: 1-301-660-6414
Typically available between 10:00-22:00 EDT and often beyond.
Please do text, leave voicemail, call multiple times, contact through multiple channels (eg. both IRC and Discord), repeatedly send multiple emails, etc. Due to persistent automation spam everywhere, such proof of cognition is helpful. For everyone already regularly contacting me, bringing my attention to any new persons or opportunities, is always very much appreciated also.
If communications are somehow saturated, or many opportunities arise, priority will go to people who can help make progress on the 'roadmap and timeline' under the 'universalTechnologySpecificationTextbook' ('uTST') .
More information (eg. unpublished email addresses) available on request.
- Current Sponsors: 0
- Past Sponsors: 0
- Total Sponsors: 0
- Minimum Sponsorship: $1,000.00
Featured Works
Language: Shell - Stars: 5mirage335/aftermarket_8kX_hinge
Aftermarket hinges to attach Pimax Vision 8kX to Modular Audio Strap, at angles different from those supplied by the original manufacturer Pimax. As a '3D printable' aftermarket modification, inclu…
Language: G-code - Stars: 3mirage335/PatchRap
'PatchPanel' for RepRap 3D printers to replace PCB terminal blocks with RJ45 jacks.
Language: GLSL - Stars: 1mirage335/TazIntermediate
A 3D printer system prioritizing cost-effectiveness and familiarity for industrial users accustomed to LulzBot Taz printers. Designed to balance similar or only slightly higher capital cost for for…
Language: Shell - Stars: 1