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I've contributed to hundreds of projects. You're welcome.

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English below
Jeune programmeur depuis les année '80 ouvert aux opportunités.
Je contribue au @rollodeqc, le bottin des développeurs du Québec. Saviez-vous que nous sommes plus de 20,000 inscrits sur GitHub?
Impliqué dans les communautés du libre du Québec depuis près de 20 ans, je m'intéresse de près au développement local.

Young programmer since the eighties open to opportunities.
I contribute to the @rollodeqc, the directory of Québec developers. Did you know we're over 20,000 according to GitHub?
I've been involved with the Free Software/Open Source Québec communities for almost 20 years. I'm very interested in local development.

Featured Works


OpenClipArt Explorer - Discover SVG cliparts with a few clicks and keywords.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 37

Bringing the streakers back since 2016

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 2

Vous êtes ici

Language: HTML - Stars: 2

Search GitHub for users by location

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 5

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 1

Dat shell. Open a remote dat and explore with cd, ls, etc.

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 62