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open web advocate

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/miklb

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I am a strong believer in the open web and the IndieWeb is a great place for individuals to start. I currently have in development a Jekyll/GitHub project for the indieWeb that needs attention as well as starting a sister project for Eleventy.
Additionally, I believe in contributing back up stream to other projects I use. I'm always open to commissions to add features or fix bugs in other open web projects.
I also currently operate TampaMonitor.com as a place to document activities at the city government level including advocating for and surfacing more public data.

Featured Works


A Jekyll quick start to getting up and going with the IndieWeb

Language: HTML - Stars: 59

Jekyll theme scaffold for deploying CFA disaster response/shelter tracking map

Language: HTML - Stars: 2

Starter project for using Jekyll Indieweb Theme

Language: Ruby - Stars: 4

WordPress theme and maps for tampamonitor.com

Language: PHP - Stars:
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