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Freetime account. Work related stuff is in @miikamal

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Thank you for considering sponsoring me. Your support allows us to continue working on our projects and make them even better. Together, we can drive their growth and ensure their long-term sustainability.
Why sponsor?
By sponsoring, you directly contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of my projects. Here are some reasons why your sponsorship is valuable:

Sustainable Open Source: Your sponsorship helps ensure that my projects remain open source and freely accessible to everyone. It enables me to dedicate more time to improving their functionality, adding new features, and addressing issues promptly.

Bug Fixes and Maintenance: Sponsoring me supports regular bug fixes, performance improvements, and maintenance tasks across all of my projects. It allows me to allocate resources to keep the projects up-to-date with the latest technologies, dependencies, and security patches.

Feature Development: Your sponsorship directly fuels the development of new features and enhancements for all our projects. It enables us to implement highly requested functionalities, expand the projects' capabilities, and adapt to the evolving needs of users. For example, Skruuvi requires me to get devices with different architectures to be able to support those.

Get involved
Sponsorship is just one way to contribute to my projects. There are many other opportunities to get involved:

Spread the Word: Share my projects with your network, colleagues, and friends who might benefit from them. Help us reach a wider audience and grow our community.

Report Issues: If you encounter any bugs, issues, or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on the respective GitHub repositories. Your feedback is crucial in making the projects better.

Contribute Code: If you have coding skills, consider contributing to our projects by submitting pull requests. Join our community of contributors and have a direct impact on the projects.

Featured Works


Reader for Ruuvi sensors on Sailfish OS

Language: QML - Stars: 3