An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Software engineer at Microsoft. Recent Computer Science graduate from UCL.

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm a software engineer and recent university graduate, and I work on a variety of personal projects. Check out my personal website to learn more about me!
There is absolutely no pressure to do so, but if you are financially well-off and wants to support my open source development (which includes personal projects and contributions to other open source repositories), this is the perfect way for you to do so.
Sponsors have a bit more convincing power when it comes to feature suggestions and bug reports, but this is not a guarantee, nor does it mean that I will ignore requests from non-sponsors.
Your money will be spent on cloud costs related to my open source development work.
This is not a support package. I'm not able to commit to giving individual or commercial support for my software based on sponsorships.