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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello everyone,
thank you for taking the time to read my introduction. I am Magnus from Germany near Frankfurt.
I have been involved in programming single-chip CPUs and their use in various fields for more than a decade. The ESP32 was one of my favourites for a long time. However, I have now also been able to discover the possibilities of the rp2 pico w after discovering microPython last year.
I am fascinated by the possibilities and the performance of the chips, which make very complex projects, but also time-critical processes quickly and easily realisable by means of suitable libraries.
Your sponsorship enables me to work more intensively on the open-source codes, because I am convinced that open-source is the way to better and more transparent solutions. It gives me the greatest satisfaction when I can enable others to replicate the solutions or use them for their own purposes. Thank you in advance for that

Featured Works


communicate over mqtt protocol to simulate a truma inetbox

Language: Python - Stars: 94

micropython nano-os with ap-support

Language: Python - Stars: 12

encrypt / decrypt credentials with a chip specific key - unreadable and individual

Language: Python - Stars:
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