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Environmental Engineer, GIS Specialist, Python GIS Developer, Earth Observation addicted, Urban Cyclist

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

My name is Massimiliano Moraca aka MaxDragonheart. Why MaxDragonheart? When was young I liked very much Dragonheart so, many years later, when social network era born I tried to use Dragonheart as name but it was busy. MaxDragonheart was free, simple. 😄
I'm an environmental engineer employed on GIS field as freelance. I'm fascinate from the Open Source world. Thanks the Open Source world I could learn the base of programming and thanks these skills I was able to learn to analyze GIS data using Python or SQL.
I try to return the gifts from Open Source world writing articles and tutorial for GIS field and, recently, sharing my projects on GitHub.
If you think I am worthy of your trust give me a sponsorship for one of my actual and future projects. Become a part of my community. 🚀

Featured Works


ULGIS - Ubuntu Lib GIS

Language: Dockerfile - Stars: 1

Geoserver Docker Image

Language: Shell - Stars: 2