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Web full stack developer with experience in Typescript, Java and Kotlin written backends and React, Angular and Svelte frontend applications

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm developing open-source software with a "pay-what-you-want" philosophy.
If you find my projects useful, any contribution, however small, is greatly appreciated and helps me dedicate more time to maintaining and improving them. Most of my free time I am working on a self-hosting template with an authentication UI and an admin dashboard for the Ory stack.
Your support helps me to keep building awesome tools for the community.

Featured Works


☄️ An easy-to-use starting point to self-host Ory Kratos with Ory Hydra and Ory Keto, Next.js authentication UI and admin dashboard (work in progress) styled with TailwindCSS and shadcn/ui

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 30

📈 A finances application to keep track of my personal spendings

Language: TypeScript - Stars:
Past Sponsorships
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