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I try to get some sponsorship, because I want to do just my hobby - such as free and open source mathematical modeling of human physiology and pathophysiology.
My background is Mgr. (It corresponds to the title MS.) in computer science and Ph.D. in human physiology and pathophysiology, both in Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe.
I start implementing Modelica libraries called Chemical and Physiolibrary during my Ph.D. study and I continue until today. My goal is to develop library usable for simulation of physiology and pathophysiology primary for human, mammals or may be for any other organisms. Libraries includes dynamical calculation of chemical, cellular, tissues, organs and level of physiological system during short/medium/long-term simulations.
Today the libraries are based on equations from physical chemistry and thermodynamics. But there will be still huge space for improvement. And may be one day, the setup for human physiology simulation will be from patient observations and description of environment. Then medical doctors could try some procedures and/or therapies just virtually to see what could happens. I believe this kind of virtual simulations could be future of medicine, because it could concentrate the current knowledge and eliminate unnecessary experimentation.
Libraries are already included in Modelica ( environments such as OpenModelica (

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Modelica Library of Chemical and Electrochemical Processes

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Modelica library for Physiology

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