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PhD in Machine Learning from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Passionate about deep learning, education and generative art.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello! I'm Marcelo Prates, a data scientist and generative artist / creative coder based in Brazil!
I'm mostly interested in creating maps, abstract artworks, scientific visualizations & infographics, usually using Python / matplotlib and occasionally Processing, Julia and Haskell. Check my portfolio to see some of my creations.
I'm the creator of the open-source prettymaps Python library, which enables anyone to create customized maps from OpenStreetMap data in just a few lines of code. Prettymaps is ranked among the 2200 most starred Github repositories, with over 8000 stars!

Featured Works


Draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data! Built with osmnx +matplotlib + shapely

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars: 11566