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Love Innovations, Programming and Music Composing. The author of Nexss Programmer @nexssp

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GitHub Sponsors Profile's mission:

help others with the programming from the beginners to professionals,
create innovative projects and frameworks, composing music and do some animations for example:

Open Source Nexss Programmer (has over 120 repositories loaded on demand - languages, technologies:
- github: (cli tool command nexss)
- video demo:
Cli tools and libraries

@nexssp/cli - nexss programmer - all tools, languages together
@nexssp/command - easy terminal commands
@nexssp/config - config system yml, json
@nexssp/file - file templates with over 50 programming language
@nexssp/ensure - ensure mulitple os packages installed
@nexssp/cache - caching library
@nexssp/language - install programming environments, manage packages for each language
@nexssp/min - minimizing library
@nexssp/os - multiple os library
@nexssp/package - managing Nexss Programmer packages (git repositories)
@nexssp/process - managing process library (will be added in future versions - it is available up to 2.4.x as nexss programmer feature)
@nexssp/project - managing Nexss Programmer projects, create new
@nexssp/test - testing library


@nexssp/ansi - colors, cursor
@nexssp/const - constants in JS/NodeJS
@nexssp/data - data validate, test
@nexssp/dddebug - debugging functions
@nexssp/expression-parser - variable template system
@nexssp/extend - extend standard functions of JavaScript/NodeJS
@nexssp/logdebug - logging, debugging script
@nexssp/packunpack - pack/unpack library with .gitignore
@nexssp/plugin - plugin system
@nexssp/stack - pretty error stack
@nexssp/system - run system commands

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Job Openings
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