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MapMint is web Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) 100% based on Web Services born in 2010.
Since then, it gave life to the ZOO-Project: an Open Source Web Processing Service (WPS) / OGC API - Processes (OAPIP) Server implementation. It is the framework on top of which we build up the MapMint project by using a mixture of Open GeoSpatial Consortium standards such as: WPS, WMS, WCS, WFS and WMTS but, also, some Oasis text standard.
Once we realized that the data is on the field, we decided to develop the MapMint4ME Android application which is gives you the ability to load data before going on the field,. Then, once on the field, you may not have any network connectivity but, still, you may display and access your loaded data when you are boots on the ground, ready to record new data.
So, from SDI focussed the MapMint product slowly moves to PostgreSQL table management system, where data modification is getting high importance. Important enough to save the state of any raw before and after any modification. So, history is of big importance and loosing data is almost impossible. Except, in case you intentionally removed the history table, as we commonly name the ghost table.