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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm Martin, a Drupal contributor, and I make and maintain Drupal modules. I'm passionate about making Drupal easier to build and use. I also like to blog and speak about Drupal.
Here are some modules I created:

Smart Date
Add Content by Bundle
Search Overrides
Storage Entities
Date Augmenter API

And here are some others I help to maintain:

CKEditor Templates
SVG Image Field

You can see the full list on my profile.
I put a lot of my personal time towards open source, and Drupal in particular. If you find my contributions useful and would like to support them – by sponsoring a cookie 🍪, a beer 🍺 (or two 🍻) or help me out with even bigger funding – this would help me to even work more focused (and faster) on my contributions 👏. Thanks a lot – you're awesome 💙.