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Open-source data science. Ph.D. in Epidemiology

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/malcolmbarrett

GitHub Sponsors Profile

I write open-source scientific software for data science, particularly in R. I work on projects involving methods for causal inference, R package development, and more. I'm also an educator, and all of my data science materials are free and open-source.
Sponsoring me supports my open-source, community, and educational work.

Featured Works


Set up commonly used 📦 components

Language: R - Stars: 867

write YAML for R Markdown, bookdown, blogdown, and more

Language: R - Stars: 165

An R package that helps scaffolding extendr-enabled packages or compiling Rust code dynamically

Language: R - Stars: 203

🎯 An R package to estimate sample size based on precision rather than power

Language: R - Stars: 93

A fast and flexible framework for data reduction in R

Language: HTML - Stars: 35
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