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Business & Technology Specialist | IT & Automation | Web Developer

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/luizbizzio

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, I'm Luiz! 👋
I'm a passionate developer with a strong drive for combining technology and business to create impactful solutions. On GitHub, I focus on a range of open-source projects, primarily centered around automation, monitoring systems, and home automation tools. My goal is to contribute to the tech community by building custom solutions that help streamline workflows and improve efficiency for both businesses and individuals.
What I Do on GitHub 🔧
I work on projects that aim to solve real-world challenges through technology. From Grafana and Prometheus integrations to website solutions and automation tools, my work focuses on creating accessible open-source solutions. I am always looking for innovative ways to improve efficiency, optimize systems, and contribute to the tech community.
Why Your Sponsorship Matters 💖
Your support allows me to dedicate more time and resources to these projects. It helps me cover development costs, maintain infrastructure, and invest in the necessary tools to keep everything running smoothly. With your contribution, I can ensure these projects stay up-to-date, improve in quality, and remain accessible to everyone.
By sponsoring me, you're helping expand the impact of my open-source work, driving innovation, and supporting a sustainable and efficient tech ecosystem.
Thank You for Your Support! 🙏

Featured Works


📊 A comprehensive dashboard that integrates data from various sources such as Raspberry Pi, Windows systems, PiKVM, Solis inverters, Tuya smart plugs, and more. Visualize key metrics like system pe…

Language: Markdown - Stars: 18

☀️ A Prometheus exporter written in Python to collect and expose metrics from Solis inverters. It helps monitor solar inverter performance by gathering data on power generation, efficiency, and oth…

Language: Python - Stars: 12

💱 A Prometheus exporter written in Python to collect currency exchange rates and expose them as metrics. This tool provides real-time data on various exchange rates, enabling integration with monit…

Language: Python - Stars: 13

🔌 A Prometheus exporter written in Python to collect metrics from Tuya smart plugs. It monitors important electrical parameters such as Power, Current, and Voltage, allowing for detailed tracking a…

Language: Python - Stars: 14

⚡ A Python script to detect power outages and restorations by monitoring home devices. It sends automated email alerts when power status changes, providing quick notifications for any disruptions i…

Language: Python - Stars: 13

🛡️ A JavaScript utility that detects when developer tools are opened in web browsers. It blocks right-click actions, drag events, and certain keyboard shortcuts to enhance the protection of web con…

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 13
Past Sponsorships
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