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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi there 👋
Who am I: Lanqing Huang (@lqhuang), a simple and naïve guy, graduated from Physics.
Coding in Python, TypeScript, Scala, sometimes Haskell, Rust. Learning on Scientific Computing, Streaming System, Distributed System, HPC (yeah, all about computing).
My Projects
I majorly contributed to projects in scientific computing and machine learning. Here are some examples:

Just make things fun and better

lqhuang/xattrs: eXtensible toolkit of ADT (attrs, dataclasses) for Python

Maintain and contribute to open-source projects

jotaijs/jotai-ai: A Jōtai utility package compatible with Vercel AI SDK

As a researcher for scientific computing and machine learning

3dem/relion: Image-processing software for
cryo-electron microscopy

As an engineer and developer for cloud and distributed systems

rekki-dev/rekki: Reactive programming framework for Python


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