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Hacking Vue.js & Nuxt 🌲 I share projects, talks, writing, and art on                 DevExp @prismicio, @nuxt team

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi! Lucie's sponsor page here~
Some people have asked me for a way to support my work and/or show their appreciation. I'm really grateful for that, so here we go!

I contribute to and author various open-source projects over on GitHub. I mainly ask people for reproductions, go to great lengths to explain to them why their code is wrong, and sometimes, just sometimes, I concede my code is flawed and go ahead to fix it.
Joke aside! I'm a Nuxt team member, I contribute to the framework and the greater Vue ecosystem on a regular basis. I also work at Prismic on their own open-source ecosystem.
On my end, I create and work on other packages, some of my own, and some with peers. To name a few, we have Akte, a minimal site generator, vite-plugin-sdk, a Vite plugin to bundle libraries, or nuxt-hue, a Nuxt CLI.
Finally, I love to help people succeed with their projects, aligned with that effort I create talks and write (I know it's been a while) about open-source-related topics on

Just a small post-scriptum, in case this wasn't obvious, sponsor tiers are just representative of what money can buy where I live, feel free to name your own amount!

Featured Works


Minimal file generator, for websites and more

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 59

Vite plugin to bundle SDKs

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 2

Enlighten your Nuxt applications

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 131

Write snippets once, render them for many IDEs

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 7

The Intuitive Vue Framework.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 56244

Eleventy plugin and shortcodes to fetch and present Prismic content

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 98
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