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programming computers / work at @openai

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Knowledge management, lisp, emacs, generative art, cryptocurrency. I love learning about myself and the world through the act of programming. I open source most of my work and I hope it's useful for you!

remark-wiki-link is a plugin for remark-js for parsing and rendering [[Wiki Links]]. I also maintain micromark-extension-wiki-link, the same functionality for the lower-level micromark parser.
org-z is an Emacs package for lightweight zettelkasten links in org-mode. org-z supercharges org-mode with easy interactive search and linking.
plaid-cli is a CLI tool for working with the Plaid API. I built it to solve import issues with YNAB, but ultimately, I want to own my financial data.
hodl-cli is a dollar-cost averaging tool for crypto on the command line using Coinbase Pro.
lua-resty-dogstatsd and lua-resty-statsd are libraries for adding datadog / statsd metrics to openresty. I maintain the versions published to luarocks, which are battle-tested and running in prod.
My homelab is an experiment in self-hosting software at home. I use it to run a prometheus cluster, store media, and participate in the decentralized web, among other things. It is primarily a private space to learn and play.
Serenity is a peer-to-peer, drag-and-drop file sharing tool in the browser. After sharing a link with a friend, serenity directly connects your browsers using webrtc, providing an encrypted channel without intermediaries.
Kiwi is a personal wiki you write in Markdown. An early experiment with knowledge management that you can take on the go.

Featured Works


Parse and render wiki links.

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 93

Lightweight, Org-mode flavored zettelkasten links.

Language: Emacs Lisp - Stars: 43

A CLI tool for working with the Plaid API. Link accounts and pull transactions from the command line.

Language: Go - Stars: 46

P2P file transfer in the browser using WebRTC.

Language: Clojure - Stars: 5

A personal wiki app for iOS.

Language: Swift - Stars: 63

Dollar-cost averaging for crypto on the command line using Coinbase Pro.

Language: Python - Stars: 19
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