
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Creator of Bazzite and Maintainer @ublue-os | Linux Community Engineer @microsoft

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/KyleGospo

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Thanks for considering sponsoring me!
At this time, this is a test-run of sponsorships toward work on Bazzite to gauge interest. Should this eventually cover our operating costs, the intent is to move to a non-profit model and split proceeds among our contributors.
Your sponsorship will help pay for:

File hosting for ISOs
Domain name fees
Hardware costs

Featured Works


Bazzite is a cloud native image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld.

Language: Shell - Stars: 4367
Active Sponsors
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