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Working in @slevomat by day, working on open source by night.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

I'm Jaroslav. I'm the lead maintainer of Slevomat CS - it is a package full of PHPCS sniffs that are important part of the Doctrine Coding Standard.
I'm also a contributor of Roave/BetterReflection - tool that is used eg. in PHPStan.
As I develop Slevomat CS by night and work in office by day, any contribution will comfort my wife and prevent her from being angry that she sees my face so often behind my laptop monitor 😄

Featured Works


Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer provides many useful sniffs

Language: PHP - Stars: 1423

🔮 Better Reflection is a reflection API that aims to improve and provide more features than PHP's built-in reflection API.

Language: PHP - Stars: 1213
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