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Digital Library Software Developer

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm a software developer in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) space. I work as a software developer in an academic library, but I'm also just generally interested in improving the space as a part of my life's work. As a result, I spend a fair amount of free time working on open source software projects that I think will be useful to others working, and interested, in this space.
If I've helped you (or written something that you use and find useful) the first thing you can do to say thanks is to give that project a star (this also helps inform me as to which projects should get the most of my attention). If you want to go beyond that and buy me a coffee as a way of saying thanks, that's also welcome (and would make my week)!
If you'd like to go beyond even that and buy me a coffee every month, that's possible... as is selecting a different amount at which you'd like to sponsor me.
I do contract work from time to time, but it's always been per-project rather than as an extended, monthly sort of arrangement. That's why I don't have any higher sponsorship levels available. If you are interested in something more than just buying me a coffee, though, get in touch and we can talk about what your needs are. I can add additional sponsorship levels if there is a need.
Thanks for visiting my sponsorship page!