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geometry processing

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Hello, my name is Saki, from Tokyo.
I'm a geometry processing specialist, creating geometry libraries for Unity3d.
Currently, I am working on a bunch of geometry processing libraries for Unity, because I think Unity has a better ecosystem than other native platforms or web applications in terms of its flexibility and efficiency. The libraries are especially aimed at CAD applications as you can see in the repositories name (NURBS, vector field, convex hull, Voronoi). I am at the same time very keen on academic computational geometry achievements, for example, unity-vectorfield repository contains a lot of results published by Keenan Crane from Carnegie Mellon University.
My final goal is to create a whole new, more user-friendly, and multi-platform CAD system reflecting recent academic results. For now, I am focusing on Unity as my framework, but very interested in rust and webassembly as well (you can find some repositories written in rust).
I appreciate it very much if you support my projects!

Featured Works


NURBS spline/surface library for Unity

Language: C# - Stars: 159

Vector field library using discrete exterior culclus

Language: C# - Stars: 73

Realtime convexhull generator

Language: C# - Stars: 123

Voronoi mesh generator

Language: C# - Stars: 86

Superfast CPU boids for Unity

Language: C# - Stars: 97

Realtime ink painting simulator

Language: C# - Stars: 82