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Software engineer 💻 && passionate coder ☕ ➜ 🐞 Blogging at @Geeky-Hacker Coding in Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Python

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi there 👋
Thank you for dropping by. My name is Kasra Madadipouya. I'm a software engineer, and my primary programming language is Java. I'm passionate about tech and like to tinker with computers in my free time. In the spirit of making the world a better place to live, I try to give back and contribute as much as I can to open-source projects and share my work and knowledge.
In fact, I have a website running since 2013 called Geeky Hacker where I published over 400 articles about various technologies and programming languages.
Although my motivation to do good is not influenced by financial gains, I highly appreciate any donation. It is heartwarming, especially when I am feeling down or demotivated.
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