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Frontend Engineer | @pepperdata | formerly @PollyEx, @liferay | 🏸, 🧗🏼, 🎮 , ⌨️

Funding Links:

GitHub Sponsors Profile

🌱 What I am

I am searching for more opportunities to support developers from non-traditional backgrounds. Being 100% self-taught myself, I want to provide community to those currently on this journey as well.
I am volunteering with BobaTalks a non-profit set on supporting students and recent grads in navigating the early career space.

I am supporting the BobaTalks Discord with quality of life tooling in the form of web development, bot development, and in other technical aspects.
I am open to free 1:1 Mentorship calls via ADPList with a focus of supporting those considering or in process of career pivots into tech. Book a call

🌲 What I was

I was part of the Faction Cooperative team supporting humanitarian tooling during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic
I was part of the developer team at

I was part of the developer team at Resilience App

I was part of the developer consulting team at Cashless Society

How sponsorships help me
I spend 10-15 hours a week out side of my day job to engage with learners, search for open source work, and on 1:1 mentorship calls. Sponsorships allow me to continue this work unpaid in both this community and the OSS community.

Past Sponsorships
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Sponsorship Breakdown by Kind