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I'm a software-architect. I love a good puzzle, a challenge and boardgames. Bonus points for problems that are "simply too hard".

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I'm Joris Schellekens, a 32-year old software engineer from Belgium.
I'm currently working on pText, a pure python PDF processing library.
As of right now, the revenue made by pText (zero) is not substantial enough to support me, or justify a substantial time-investment from my part. I think the library could be vastly improved if I was able to spend more time on it, or perhaps even hire others to do so.
The main areas of improvement:

handling encrypted PDF documents
PDF 2.0 spec
export from PDF to Word
export from PDF to bmp, jpg, other image formats
import from Word to PDF

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borb is a library for reading, creating and manipulating PDF files in python.

Language: Python - Stars: 3449
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