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My name is Jonathan, French developer. I am developing free and open-source software on my spare-time, like:

Extra ToolWindow Colorful Icons: makes your JetBrains IDE colourful
Darcula Sombre: a dark theme for JetBrains IDEs
Icon Viewer 2: render pictures in JetBrains IDEs
Battery Status: show battery state in JetBrains IDEs
I Love DevToys: highly inspired from the DevToys software available on Windows. Find useful tools in a Tool Window in the top right corner of your JetBrains IDE
Night and Day: a JetBrains IDEs plugin that shows in Status Bar how much time left in percentage or duration (until the end of day, week, month, year, or a custom date time)
World Clock: a JetBrains IDEs plugin that show one or two customizable clocks in the status bar
manon: an advanced Spring Boot demo project. Play with SpringBoot 2&3, JWT, Querydsl, GraphQL, Docker, ELK, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, MongoDB, Flyway, Maven, Gradle, TestNG, JUnit5, JaCoCo, GreenMail, CI, Quality Gates, Prometheus, Gatling, etc.
oga maven plugin: a Maven plugin that checks for deprecated groupId+artifactId (e.g. did you know that graphql-spring-boot-starter moved from com.graphql-java to com.graphql-java-kickstart?)
oga gradle plugin: like oga maven plugin, for Gradle
software-updates-bot: be notified about your favourite stuff updates with RSS and Atom feeds, MD and JSON reports. Runs every 4 hours on a GitHub Action
simple-backup-go: a minimalist but configurable (JSON) backup tool based on 7-Zip
and some various projects you can find on my GitHub account

If you find one of these projects helpful, you can consider a donation. Thank you! 👍

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