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John is a programmer, entrepreneur, network engineer, and researcher.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/JohnAD

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Most of my open source work is with libraries written in Python and Nim. I also

do general research on computer science and network engineering topics.
publish programming support videos at www.youtube.com/c/needlessprocess

Feedback is always welcome. If you ever find your repo needs a public discussion forum, I also help maintain https://repo.support/ which is free to use.

Featured Works


Python artificial intelligence framework for games

Language: Python - Stars: 643

A mancala game app written in python kivy that plays the Kalah ruleset.

Language: Python - Stars: 8

Basic metrics tracking for the Flask framework.

Language: Python - Stars: 53

Analysis and list of top 3 and top 11 human languages for product and service translations.

Language: - Stars: 2

Game rules engine for simulating or playing turn-based games.

Language: HTML - Stars: 18

BSON protocol support

Language: Nim - Stars: 13
Past Sponsorships
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