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Indie Hacker 🇫🇷 | Creator of @ethibox

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/johackim

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hello! I am a French Indie Hacker. 🇫🇷
I'd love to work on all my open-source projects, but my time on this earth is limited, support my work to give me more time!
I'm currently working on @ethibox.
Please support me with a one-time or monthly donation and help me continue my activities.

Featured Works


Deploy 120+ open-source web apps with one Docker command

Language: Dockerfile - Stars: 1017

My personal hacklab, create your own.

Language: Dockerfile - Stars: 335

Open-source web app hoster

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 244

The simple way to download and unrestrict DDL files, torrents and magnets

Language: JavaScript - Stars: 132
Active Sponsors
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Sponsor Breakdown