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Oscilloscope Music Artist | MEng Computing Graduate @ Imperial College London

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/jameshball

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who am I and what am I working on?
I'm an Oscilloscope Music Artist and MEng Computing graduate at Imperial College London. πŸ‘‹
A lot of my spare time is currently devoted to open-source development on osci-render - an audio-visual synthesiser for creating music using 3D objects, vector images, and Blender scenes that can be visualised on a CRT display.

Osci-render has been used by artists in various professional music environments as an audio-visual tool to enhance their music or visuals!
What will your support enable?
Your support will go directly into further development of osci-render, and will mean I can afford to experiment with new technology such as ILDA lasers or color output. It will also mean I can devote more of my time to development!
My next steps are always changing with osci-render, so you can reach out at [email protected] if you want to find out exactly what your support will be going towards right now!

Featured Works


γ€°πŸ“ΊπŸ”Š Synthesiser audio plugin for making music by drawing objects on an oscilloscope using audio.

Language: C++ - Stars: 441
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