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Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/ismailsunni

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Who Am I
I'm an open-source geospatial developer based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
🐦 @ismailsunni
🌐 ismailsunni.id
My last attempt at blogging: https://ismailsunni.hashnode.dev/
Projects and community involvements

Contributing to @qgis, A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System, from bug fixing, developing a new feature, translation, managing QGIS Resources, or simply sharing QGIS to the world
Running QGIS ID, the Indonesian QGIS User Group. Also acting as its country representative
Developing several open-source QGIS plugins, e.g. Encoded Polyline, InaSAFE
Kicking-off Python ID Yogyakarta
(currently not so active) Treasurer of Python ID
Creating a collection of docker images of various R implementations and an R package to run them


It will motivate me more to do community building, write more blog posts, and bug-fixing/maintain the project that I work on
It makes me happy :)
This Lego stuff is expensive

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