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ASM/C/C++ et al. Systems & network programming.

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A seasoned C/C++ developer (and other low-level abominations), with a focus on systems and network programming.
Nowadays I usually code for and with U++, my favorite open-source, cross-platform RAD tool.
I love coding, and I occasionally run out of snacks and beer. If you'd be so kind as to let me refuel, I'll definitely have an excuse to find more time to code.

Featured Works


A powerful yet user-friendly cross-platform terminal emulator.

Language: C++ - Stars: 25

The home of U++ terminal widget, TerminalCtrl, an easy to use yet powerful cross-platform terminal emulator widget written in C++.

Language: C++ - Stars: 9

U++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework focused on programmer's productivity. It includes a set of libraries (GUI, SQL, Network etc.), and integrated development environ…

Language: C++ - Stars: 860

A collection of packages for U++ framework.

Language: C - Stars: 36