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AI Specialist & Wizard at Leading EDJE, Microsoft MVP in AI & .NET, Author of "Refactoring with C#" and "Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks"

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi I'm Matt and I want to educate and empower the community to make awesome and ridiculous things with software development and data science technologies.
I focus a lot on sharing .NET's AI and Machine Learning capabilities with the community through talks, articles, YouTube videos, and code. I also teach .NET professionally in my day job, though my community contributions tend to be more focused on AI and machine learning.
My open source goals are to explore and explain the ways you can use .NET technologies to train, consume, and deploy machine learning models with ML .NET and Azure ML.
I also want to expand and explore the range of capabilities possible in conversational AI and NLP through the Microsoft Bot Framework and Azure Cognitive Services.
Finally, I just generally build ridiculous things and share them with others, from my now infamous experiments proving Die Hard really is a Christmas movie to dabbling in trying to teach an AI to lie at One Night Ultimate Werewolf, to experimenting with seeing how much of my dog's "job" I could replicate with AI and cloud computing.

Featured Works


A collection of helpful packages for developing conversational AI solutions in .NET using the Microsoft Bot Framework.

Language: C# - Stars: 5

An experiment in Azure Cognitive Services

Language: C# - Stars: 2

A learning application centered around building a genetic algorithm in F# and using it from Blazor.

Language: F# - Stars: 19

A data science experiment to determine if Die Hard is a Christmas movie

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars: 2

Content from my "Automating Machine Learning with Python and Azure" talk

Language: Jupyter Notebook - Stars: 1

An Angular implementation of an Interactive Fiction engine (text adventure)

Language: TypeScript - Stars: 13
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