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We are a small company dedicated to the design and development of useful electronics devices. We love security projects.

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

Our newest open source project is a hardware that detects/identifies USB Killers before they are able to cause harm to computers or phones. A USB Killer is a device that looks like a common USB flash drive that, when connected to a USB port, transforms the 5 Volts available in the port into about 220 Volts, therefore, causing physical damage to the people's devices.
The design, prototype and development processes to finally have a device able to identify these USB Killers comes after the fact that many of these USB Killers are no longer been labeled on the outside as pen-testing devices. As a result, people confuses a regular USB flash drive with a USB Killer and are aware of the error after the pen-testing device caused physical damage to their hardware.
It is logical to have a tool to prevent the damage and to defend against unlabeled USB Killers.
With the funds that we may obtain, we plan to further develop our project by making it more efficient and much more reliant for the common human being.

Featured Works


Detect unlabeled USB Killer flash drivers and prevent damage to hardware.

Language: - Stars: 10