
An open API service aggregating public data about GitHub Sponsors.


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Hi! ,my name is Ilay, I'm a frontend website developer, a video game developer and a translator.

Funding Links: https://github.com/sponsors/ilayezra

GitHub Sponsors Profile

Hi! ,my name is Ilay, I'm a frontend website developer, a video game developer and a translator.
any donation will support me and my work and will allow me to create better open source projects!
Here are some projects that I already shared with the world:

Hop Flash Games
Hebrew translation for: Ruffle, BeUnblurred, MVESP, Flashpoint and helping in TeamKipod
Bamba Magic kingdom 2 Music (Fan Project)

if you decided to donate for me, please send me a DM on my Discord

Some Links aren't very stable, A better referring links will be added soon.

Featured Works


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Language: JavaScript - Stars: 1
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