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software engineer, gopher, triathlete, husband & father

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GitHub Sponsors Profile

👋 Hi! I am Iñigo Garcia Olaizola, software engineer, father of two kids and amateur triathlete. I live in Irun - Basque Country, on the banks of Bidasoa river and surrounded by sea and mountains.
I've always loved computers science and the art of coding, I've done it since 16 years old. Learned with C, internships with PHP and Java, mastered C# and currently working with Go. Golang has encourage me to improve my Github account, collaborate with open source and call myself Gopher.
During my spare time, I enjoy creating automation tools and bots. If I find myself having to perform a task more than twice, I make it a point to develop code that automates it the next time around.
If you've found my code useful, please consider becoming a sponsor.
Thanks for your support!